Kindergarten to 8th Grade

Arrows Christian Academy is a K-8 school in downtown Altoona focused on equipping the next generation of faith-based entrepreneurial leaders.
We believe the next generation has God-given purpose.
Children are ARROWS designed to be equipped, aimed, and released to their targets in life.
Arrows Christian Academy educates students through a biblical worldview cultivating identity in Christ, love for learning, and creativity to change the world.
Arrows is a 'Path to Purpose' school with the region's best weekly electives in athletics, technology, arts, trades, outdoor adventures, spiritual formation, entrepreneurship, leadership, and life skills.
What people are saying…
“We love the atmosphere…Arrows is a growing school with an inspirational culture.”
“Their focus is right on…get kids off screens and into good books.”
“Students are getting an unshakable foundation of faith.”
“Best elective courses around!”
“Our kids are learning to read well, write well, and speak well. It’s uncommon.”

Learn about the Path to Purpose
Students get rooted in the Word of God
Students are learning how to connect with God and others
Students were created on purpose for a purpose with specific God-given gifts to help them hit their targets in life
Students learn to practice healthy lifestyle habits to empower their bodies
Students learn to be stewards of the resources God puts into their hands
Students are tomorrow’s leaders, ready to serve God and others
Students are creators, contributors, initiators and builders using their skills and abilities to solve real-world problems
Head over to our admissions page to learn how much an ARROWS education costs, discounts, and where our financial aid comes from.
At Arrows, we want to…
Help parents lay a strong biblical foundation in preparing students to launch out to their purpose and targets in life.
Create a place where education is excellent and God's spirit is welcomed.
Equip students to love, lead, and serve in their families, communities, and beyond.
Please note: We no longer have K3 & K4